UMAA Constitution
University Of Mysore Alumni Association
Mysore University, Crawford Bhavan, Mysore-570 005
1 Name & Address
1.1 The name of The Association is University Of Mysore Alumni Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association). It shall have its registered office at Mysore University, Crawford Bhavan, Mysore-570 005 and administrative office at Centenary office, Saraswathipuram, opposite Fire Brigade, Mysore, and shall come into existence from 9th September 1999. It shall be a registered association and shall also have its own logo.
1.2 The Association shall be governed by this Constitution and such Byelaws and Rules in harmony therewith, as may be amended or adopted, from time to time, as herein provided.
1.3 The Association shall be organized and operated as a non-profit Charitable Association, in conformity with the relevant laws of India.
2 Aims, Objectives and Primary Activities
2.1 Aims:
The Alumni Association of The University of Mysore (“Association”) is set up to connect alumni of The University of Mysore (“University”) to The University and to each other, to provide valued service to members of The Association (each, a “ Member”), and to support The University’s mission of teaching, research and service.
2.2 Primary Objectives:
The Primary Objectives of the Association shall be to:
a. Foster fellowship and provide a forum to bring together members of The Association for their progress and development.
b. Build an association with The University.
c. Help members to contribute to the development and progress of The University and society at large.
d. To assist and provide opportunities to students, teachers, non-teaching staff and alumni of The University for their academic and professional advancement.
e. Promote education, including special education, and employment enhancing skills at The University and for the Association.
2.3 Primary Activities
- The Association shall aim to fulfil its Charitable Objectives by carrying out the following charitable activities on a not-for-profit basis:
- Encourage, organize, promote, sponsor or support lectures, seminars, workshops, competitions, training programmes, institutional courses and similar activities, in respect of topics and personalities in the fields dealt with or adopted at The University from time to time.
- Institute and grant awards, scholarships, loans, fellowships and assistantships for students, teachers, non-teaching staff and alumni of The University, as also for students & faculty associated with The University.
- Seek, canvas and receive assistance, in cash or in kind, by way of endowment, patronage, sponsorship, scholarship, gifts or donations of materials, assets and properties in the name of The Association, especially from Alumni, to enable The Association carry out any or all of the above activities and to fulfil its objectives.
- Buy, build, lease or rent properties (moveable and
immoveable ) and premises for the use of The Association and/or The University tofulfil its objectives. - Carry out above and any other similar activities jointly with associations,
organisations and/or similar bodies forfurtherance of the objectives of The Association. - Donate educational materials, scientific equipment, instruments, furniture, fixtures, goods and materials to the University or for their staff and students and for deserving alumni.
- Enable implementation or management of projects, programmes
and activities for the benefit of The Universityand society at large. - To maintain archives of diverse forms of content related to the University; and preserve the heritage, memories
and values of the University, the city of Mysore, and the regions represented by the University. - To
recognise distinguished Alumni with the objective of making their achievements a source of inspiration to Association Members and University students.
3 Membership and Qualifications:
3.1 Eligibility:
The following persons shall be eligible to become Association Members:
- All persons who have received graduate, postgraduate, or doctoral degrees from The University
- All persons who have studied in Colleges and Institutes that are now part of other Universities, but were under the aegis of The University of Mysore when they received their degrees.
- Non Alumni faculty and staff members of the University, who have served at least 3 years in the University as on the date of their application and who wish to join in more formal relationships with The Association shall be eligible to become Associate Members in this Association (each, an “Associate Member”) upon payment of Associate Life Membership fee. Associate Members shall be accorded privileges of membership in The Association except that they shall not hold office in the Association or vote in Association elections.
- The Executive Committee of the Association (EC) which is described in detail in section 3.3, can invite and induct eminent & distinguished persons of repute from industry, various professions, academia or research as Honorary Members, based on the recommendation of at least two members of the EC.
3.2 Rights & Privileges of Membership
All Members have the following rights and privileges:
- To vote in the AGM
- To propose/ second candidates or resolutions.
- To hold office in the Association
- Access to the Association website and database of members as and when made available
- To be eligible to receive all publications of the Association
- Any other rights and privileges that the EC may grant from time to time.
In addition, Donor Members and Patron Members shall have the following additional rights and privileges:
- Be recognized separately on the Honors
List Association website and also on a plaque in the University, subject to University rules and regulations.of the - Any other rights and privileges that the EC may grant from time to time.
The rights and privileges of a member shall not be transferable.
3.3 Acceptance of membership
a. Membership of The Association is contingent to the applicant paying the Membership Fee, as applicable.
b. The EC shall have the final authority to accept membership of any applicant.
3.4 Types of membership and
The different categories of Members are:
- Life Members
- Donor Members
- Patron Members
- Associate Members
- Honorary Members
The Membership fees for the different categories of members shall be fixed by the Executive Committee after approval from the General Body.
3.5 Cancellation of membership:
Membership shall be revoked/cancelled in the event of :
a) submission of resignation by a Member
b) death of an Association Member
c) establishment of misconduct, criminal offence or acting against the interests of the Association or the University. In such cases, a Member may be suspended, and provided reasonable opportunity to defend himself/herself. If thereafter found in the breach, a member may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.
There will be no refund of fees paid for Membership in the event of any form of cancellation.
3.3 Acceptance of membership
a. Membership of The Association is contingent to the applicant paying the Membership Fee, as applicable.
b. The EC shall have the final authority to accept membership of any applicant.
3.4 Types of membership and
The different categories of Members are:
- Life Members
- Donor Members
- Patron Members
- Associate Members
- Honorary Members
The Membership fees for the different categories of members shall be fixed by the Executive Committee after approval from the General Body.
3.5 Cancellation of membership:
Membership shall be revoked/
a) submission of resignation by a Member
b) death of an Association Member
c) establishment
There will be no refund of fees paid for Membership in the event of any form of cancellation.
5.6 Cancellation of membership of
Any member of the EC who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the EC, except with prior leave of absence, is liable to be removed from membership of the EC. Special meetings convened by the President will not be taken into consideration when determining attendance.
5.7 Filling up of vacancies of office bearers
a. Any vacancy of office bearers of the executive committee shall be filled by the EC from out of the remaining members of the EC.
Vacancies shall be filled as per the protocol for officiating specified in Clause 4.2. Vacancies for the post of Jt. Secretary and Treasurer shall be filled from amongst the
b. In the event of there being more than seven (7) vacancies in the EC, a Special General Body Meeting shall be called to elect EC members to fill such vacancies.
5.8 Tenure of Office for an office bearer
6.0 Powers and Duties
6.1 Powers and Duties of the Chairperson
a. To serve as the Brand Ambassador of the Association in his/her meetings with external agencies.
b. To serve as a link between the Association and the University to facilitate both organizations to meet their objectives.
c. To provide direction, guidance and strategic inputs to the Association.
d. Wherever possible, to guide/assist the Association in meeting its strategic aims and activities by providing infrastructure and other resources from the University.
6.2 Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee:
The EC has the following powers vested with it on behalf of the Members:
1. Granting membership
2. Dismissal of members
3. Convening th
4. Appointing of sub committees
5. Taking suitable decisions as approved by the General Body r the objectives of The Association.
6. Receiving subscriptions /donations on behalf of The Association and accounting for the income and expenditure.
7. Planning and execution of programs beneficial to the members of The Association.
6.3 Powers And Duties Of The
6.3.1 President
i. Set goals and objectives for his/her tenure and drive the same to successful completion.
ii. Represent the Association at all functions and activities of the University, and at outside forums.
iii. Preside over all the meetings of the Association.
iv. Be responsible for all activities of the Association and allocate suitable responsibilities to Members of the EC.
v. Appoint Working Groups, Sub-committees etc. for a specific task or purpose.
vi. Initiate review of the Constitution, its Byelaws, and Guidelines for Chapters, from time to time.
vii. Cultivate and enhance relationships with various Chapters, either directly or through Sub-committees.
viii. Liaise between the Association and University management.
ix. Call for elections for the next EC at the appropriate time.
x. Handover responsibilities, authorities and duties to the next President.
6.3.2 Vice President 1
i. Officiate as President in the absence of the President.
ii. Preside over EC Meetings in the absence of the President.
iii. Mobilize resources for the Association.
iv. Review and ensure that points raised in various meetings are taken to completion, including by formulating Action Taken Reports.
v. Ensure major events of the Association happen at the stipulated time.
6.3.3 Vice President 2
i. Officiate as President in absence of both President and Vice-President 1.
ii. Organise all functions of the Association along with the Secretary.
iii. Enlarge membership of the Association.
iv.Wholeheartedly participate/ promote/ project the objectives and activities of The Association.
6.3.4 Secretary
i. Aid, assist and execute the decisions of the EC.
ii. Attend to the correspondence and communications to and from The Association.
iii. Maintain the official records of The Association.
iv. Ensure smooth functioning of the office of The Association, and supervise the working of the office staff.
v. Call meetings of the EC in consultation with the President.
vi. Maintain the Minutes of all meetings of The Association.
vii. Help the President liaise with the University management.
viii. File Annual Reports of The Association with all statutory bodies from time to time and in compliance with the laws after every AGM and EGM.
6.3.5 Joint Secretary
a) Active involvement in all duties of the Association in coordination with the Secretary.
b) Deputize for the Secretary in his/her absence.
6.3.6 Treasurer
i. Diligently manage the financial resources and maintain records of all the financial transactions of the Association .
ii. Frame the budget of the Association and also conduct periodic reviews during EC meetings.
iii. Maintain the accounts of The Association.
v. Serve as an ex-officio member of all Committees involving financial implications.
vi. Prepare the statement of accounts of The Association and get it audited for presentation at the Annual General Meeting as well as file the same with the Income Tax authorities when duly passed by the General Body.
6.3.7 Executive Committee Members:
i. Perform all duties legally or customarily required of Officers of Association in conformity with the laws of the Government of India.
ii. Wholeheartedly participate/ promote/ project the objectives and activities of The Association.
iii. Add value to the functioning of the EC by taking initiatives and fully participating in the various engagements/programmes undertaken during their tenure.
6.4 Appointment of Executives
The EC shall have the right to appoint Executives and such staff as needed and on such terms and conditions as they may deem fit at their absolute discretion for smooth and proper administrative functioning of The Association.
6.5 Appointment of sub-committees
The EC may appoint sub-committees, as needed to further the Objectives of The Association. All such sub -committees must have at least one member of the EC represented on the sub-Committee. The member/s of the EC on the sub-committee will report to the EC about the progress of the work undertaken by the sub-committee. The sub-committees so formed may address issues such as Student Affairs, Fund Raising, Alumni Affairs, Publications, Public Relations, Chapter Affairs and Placement Activities.
7. Meetings of the Association
7.1 Annual General Body Meeting:
a) The Annual General Body Meeting of The Association shall be held once every year, before the end of June. The AGM shall be held not later than 30th June of each year, but in exceptional circumstances, the EC may be empowered to postpone the AGM by not more than eight weeks.
The objectives of the AGM are to:
1) Read and pass proceedings of the last Annual General Body Meeting and all Special General Body Meetings held during the course of the year which shall be printed as an annexure to the annual report and circulated among the members
2) To discuss and adopt the annual report of the managing committee and financial position and general working of The Association for the preceding twelve months ending on 31st March.
3) To consider and pass the budget proposals for the coming year.
4) Transact any other business submitted by the Executive Committee.
5) Consider the resolutions of the Managing Committee and of members, submitted to the Secretary in writing and with a clear margin of 15 days.
6) Appoint auditors and fix their remuneration.
7) Elect the members and office bearers of the Executive Committee which will be by secret ballot according to rules framed hereunder.
b) Notice:
Clear 21 days notice shall be given for the Annual General Body meeting for election of office bearers and the Executive Committee members along with the Agenda, a copy of the annual report, statement of audited accounts and nomination papers, and texts of resolutions to be approved. A calendar of events for election to the Executive committee shall also be drawn and circulated along with the above notice. Such notice shall be sent to the last known address of the members and under certificate of posting or through any recognized courier service and/or by email.
c) Quorum for Annual General meetings:
The quorum at the AGM shall be a minimum of 75 Members with voting rights and whose dues are fully paid up. If a quorum is not available at the time of meeting as stipulated in the Notice under Section 7.1 b, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour after which the adjourned meeting will reconvene to consider the business and members present shall form the quorum.
d) Voting:
At Annual general body meeting meetings voting by proxy will not be allowed.
Normally voting on any subject shall be by show of hands but on demand by thirty or more members present any subject for decision shall be decided by secret ballot. The election of the Executive committee shall be by secret ballot.
7.2 Special General Body Meetings:
a. Special meetings of members called Special General Body Meetings (SGBM) may be called to consider urgent business.
b. The SGBM shall be called:
i) by the Secretary on behalf of the President when deemed necessary by the President in consultation with the EC Members or)
ii) on written request of 50 members with voting rights who do not have outstanding dues to The Association.
c. The Secretary shall send notice of the SGBM to all the members at least twenty one (21) days in advance, by email/post and/or post it on The Associations website, as well as on the Notice Board.
d. The Notice for SGBM shall be accompanied by:
i. Agenda for the SGBM
ii. Text of resolutions to be approved.
e. The quorum at SGBM shall consist of minimum of 75 members with voting rights and whose dues are fully paid up. If a quorum is not available at the time of meeting as stipulated in the Notice under Section 7.1 b, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour after which the adjourned meeting will reconvene to consider the business.
f. Discussions at the
g. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
7.3 Executive Committee Meetings
a. The President or Secretary can convene the Meeting of the Executive Committee whenever necessary. However, the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened at least once in three months. Notice for the meeting shall be given to the members 7 days in advance.
b. Special meetings of the Executive Committee
Special Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened:
When a request is made by 1/3 of the members, or either by the President or the Secretary, for the discussion of the specified subject only. Such meeting shall be convened within five days from the date of submission of the request.
7.4 Conduct of Executive Committee Meetings
a. The Secretary shall minute the proceedings of the EC Meetings
b. Attendance of the Meetings shall be marked by the Joint Secretary.
c. Decisions will be taken by a majority in favour. In the event of a tie, the President will have a casting vote.
7.5 Notices Of Meetings
All members of The Association shall be deemed to have received due notice of all Association matters if sent by ordinary post or e-mail to the address on the records of The Association and if a notice has been put up on the website of the Association and on the Notice Board maintained for that purpose at the Office of The Association for a period of 10 days.
8. The Association Chapters:
8.1 The purposes of the Association Chapters are:
i)To assist The University in promoting its programs under the direction of The Association
ii) To promote fellowship and welfare of Association members residing in the Chapter area by providing information and services to them.
iii)To recruit volunteers and provide financial assistance for the various programs of The University Association.
8.2 Organization:
i) A Chapter may be formed in any convenient geographical area with boundaries established by agreement by The Association, the organizers of the Chapter, and any Chapter already in existence, which may be affected thereby.
ii) Application for the new Chapter must be made to The Association by filing a petition and proposed Bylaws with the Association.
iii) Chapters shall be governed by an Executive Committee, with the number of members determined by the Chapter Byelaws. If not already a member, all Chapter members shall become Association Members before they begin their term of service.
iv)The Application and
v) The Chapter can obtain advice and assistance from the Executive Committee for services such as membership growth activities, programs and events, etc. The Executive Committee may subsidize such expenses, however, the Chapter is generally expected to bear all costs of its operation.
vi)In order to retain its validity, a Chapter will be required to:
a) Hold at least One Chapter General Meeting every year, where business is transacted.
b) Comply with the provisions of these
c) Complete and submit to The Association an annual report and Annual Financial Statement
8.3 Chapter Closure and Reinstatement:
When the requirements of 11.2 are not met by any Chapter, The Executive Committee, one year after notice to such Chapter, shall order closure of such Chapter. If a Chapter is closed, the Executive Committee shall notify the Chapter Office bearers in writing.
Reinstatement of a closed Chapter may be obtained only after fulfilling the conditions listed in section 14.2.
8.4 Communication:
No Chapter shall publish, release or endorse to the public any statement, complaint, or recommendation that conflict in any way with the policies and administration of The University or The Association without first having obtained approval in writing of the Executive Committee.
8.5 Fundraising:
Fundraising activities of all Chapters shall not be in conflict with The University’s or Associations development efforts. The Association shall be informed in advance of all fundraising activities of Chapters.
9 Financial Transactions
9.1 All Capital and Revenue expenditure shall be approved by the General Body.
9.2 All Specific expenditure thereafter shall be proposed by the Treasurer and approved by the EC.
9.3 Unforeseen emergency expenditure not approved by the General Body to the tune of Rs. 25,000 under any head, but not exceeding Rs. 2 lacs in total, may be incurred by the EC in any year for operational convenience. However, such expenditure must be ratified by the General Body in its next meeting.
9.4 Specific cheque signing authority for various levels of transactions shall be as follows:
a. Amounts equal to and less than Rs. 1 lac – Treasurer and President
b. Amounts exceeding Rs. 1.lacs – Treasurer, President and Secretary.
9.5 All amounts/donations which are received as membership fees or any general donation not against specifically defined projects, shall be credited into a specially designated corpus account.
9.6 The corpus account shall be invested only in fixed deposits of nationalized banks.
9.7 Only the interest from such corpus account may be used for meeting the expenditure of the Association and the principal amount cannot be used for any purpose other than that specified in 5.5.
9.8 Any deviation from clauses 5.4 and 5.6 will need to be approved by the General Body.
9.9 Any amounts/donations received against any specifically defined projects may also be credited into a fixed deposit. However, such fixed deposits may be withdrawn as and when expenditure for such project is required.
9.10 The FDs of the Association shall not be used as collateral for taking loans.
9.11 Internet transactions solely for receiving subscriptions and donations may also be undertaken with due authorization by the EC.
9.12 Books of account ,records & financial year
The Books of Account shall begin from 1st day of April of every year and be closed every year on the 31st day of
9.13 The Accounts shall be audited by the Statutory Auditor every year and the Annual reports shall be signed and certified by such Chartered Accountant along with the President and Treasurer of the Association.
9.14The funds of The Association shall be invested in the modes specified under the provisions of the Sec 13(1) (d), read with section 11(15) of the it Act 1961 as amended from time to time.
10 Amendments:
10.1 Process of amendment
a. The EC may initiate the process of amendment of the
b. The proposal to amend the Constitution may also be at the instance of any Life Member of UMAA. This proposal needs to be seconded by at least two Life Members of THE ASSOCIATION. The proposal should be accompanied by the requirement and reasoning for the proposed changes.
c. On receipt of the proposal from a Life Member of THE ASSOCIATION, the President of the EC will include the same in the agenda for the next EC meeting or call for a special meeting. The EC will deliberate the proposed changes in their next EC meeting or a specially convened meeting. The EC will put forward the proposed changes along with their considered opinion related to proposed changes to the General Body for approval/rejection.
d. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be circulated along with the notice convening the meeting for the purpose at least 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Such a notice will contain details of the Article(s) desired to be amended, the proposed text of the changed Article(s) and the reason for seeking the amendment. The latter is meant as a guide for any deliberations at the meeting.
e. An amendment will be considered approved provided at least two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting vote in its favour. Otherwise, the amendment will be considered as rejected.
f. No amendment to Deed of MOM/
11. Property of The Association:
a) Subscription fees, Gifts, contributions and donations received by the Association in line with the objectives of the association.
b) Property acquired by the grants, gifts or purchases in keeping with the objectives of the Association.
12. General rule:
For any matter not specifically covered by the aforesaid rules, the EC shall have powers to take decisions from time to time in the interest of the smooth running of the Association activities. Their decision shall be final and binding.
13. Legal binding
No act of any Officer, member of the EC or any other members shall be binding on the Association unless previously approved by the EC.
14: Winding Up
14.1 The Association may be wound up in the event of:
a) its inability to meet a substantial part of its aims and objectives over 3 consecutive years.
b) any legal matter that makes the functioning or existence of the Association untenable.
14.2 The decision in this regard would need to be ratified at an AGM/SGBM called in accordance with provisions of Section 7 above.
14.3 The funds, including reserves and assets may be transferred to an endowment account of the University. No member shall have a claim on the whole or a share of the funds, assets and reserves.
14.4 All the Chapters/Sub-Chapters will be automatically wound up along with the Association.